Chapter 07. What is self-determination, as it pertains to the client? Two major bills passed in the 1960s include the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting RIghts Act of 1965, The first Charity Organization Society was established in Buffalo NY in 1877 as an organized effort to eliminate poverty, Mary Richmond was a key leader of the Charity Organization Societies. Social workers place service for their clients above their self-interests, which may include offering pro bono assistance from time to time. What is motivation and why is this idea so important to marketers? True b. The most well-known establishment of the settlement movement was: What is the array of governmental programs, services, and institutions designed to maintain the stability and well-being of society? write letters when the media negatively portrays social work. Carefully read the passages and choose the best answer for the question that follows. True b. Name and explain its major components. The authors of the following passages comment on the way in which technology influences the study of literature. Where do we find the philosophical origin of social work? Promoting and establishing equal liberties, rights, duties, and opportunities in the social institutions of a society for all people. Societal authorization, which legitimizes social work activity, can also be a source of limitation or even punishment. How will the count of adults 65 and over change between 2015 and 2020? E. timeless. Codified as a resource for social work values and professional conduct, the code consists of four sections: a summary of the core values and mission of social work; a guide to navigating ethical dilemmas and issues; a description of the ethical principles that inform social work practice; and an outline of the ethical standards binding social worker conduct. Accredits social work education programs in colleges and universities. Which of the following BEST describes this situation? Generalist social workers learn to think of people as constantly interacting with their environment, a habit of mind called the: Social work is committed to ______________, the right of people, groups, and communities to make choices, design a course of action, and live as independently as possible. Which is the BEST definition of "social welfare policy"? The Cincinnati Enquirer, in its Sunday business supplement, reported that the mean number of hours worked per week by those employed full time is 43.9. Chapter 09. In the present age, television, videos, and movies deliver literature twenty-four hours a day, and with all the immediacy of a newscast and the colors of a pageant. Which is the BEST comprehensive definition of child abuse? The National Association of Social Work (NASW) is the source for the code of ethics for professional social workers. Who of the following was the first to engage in large scale social work advocacy in the United States? Personal responsibility refers to the role people have in caring for their own needs, regardless of circumstances. . Which group model is aimed at personal growth and change as a result of sharing commonalities, support and information? Jane Addams was a key leader of the Settlement Movement. She interned with the Department of Children and Families. According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), an organization that supports social workers and develops professional standards and social policies, social work's primary mission is to enhance the well-being of all people, with a focus on those suffering the effects of oppression, poverty, and vulnerability. Everything in this world works better when it acts in accordance with its nature. A new cellphone app allows you to vote by sending a text to your local Board of Elections. False During the 1990s social work educators Specht and Courtney helped to move social work toward the direction of Positive Psychology False Psychiatrists conduct psychological testing and provide psychological treatment False Until the 1600s the needs of the poor were the responsibility of feudal landowners in England. False 3. When you throw in all the other electronic media, such as movies, games, chatting, etc., the number climbs to a brain-rotting six hours a day-six hours 10 and nothing to show for it. Whites, heterosexuals, people without disabilities, and men have more access to society's benefits, resources, power, and wealth, while some have less. Publishers and booksellers will rarely, if ever, complain about movies reviving the popularity of certain books; they cash in on movie-based versions of books. This fulfills which role of social work? As COVID-19, economic uncertainty, and social and political unrest continue to impact individuals, the demand for social workers grows. Overthrowing the dominant power structure. a subset of social policies that determine the distribution of resources. Major depressive disorder is one example of this, Successfully diagnosing and treating mental disorders require a biopsychosocial perspective, According to government sources 60% of mental health professionals are clinically trained social workers, compared to 10% psychiatrists, 23 % psychologists, and 5% psychiatric nurses, General systems theory builds upon the ecological systems framework, Psychotropic drugs are drugs used to treat mental disorders, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. The film versions of *Ben-Hur, Antony and Cleopatra*, and *Lord of the Flies* excited people just as the novels did when they were first released, and they eliminated the ponderous, literature-imposed obligation of having to sort out and understand characters without visual representation. Historically, the method for helping individuals adjust to their situations by identifying needs, goals, and resources was known as: The process in which the social worker and client collaborate to plan and then execute a series of actions designed to enhance the client's functioning and well-being is: The saying "starting where the client is: guides social workers in gaining insight into the client's perception of the problem and the desired goal. Widely read by practitioners, faculty, and students, it is the official journal of NASW and is provided to all members as a membership benefit Find out more Latest articles Quiet Quitting On the Frontlines: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Workers' Well-Being Solve the problem by using the assignment method. Chapter 16. in what respect do all the Ten Commandments have a social dimension? Healthy Meals for Healthy Americans (formerly known as WIC) has proven effective in improving the health of pregnant women, new mothers, and infants. Equal status in the legal system, quality education, a living wage, and access to programs and opportunities for enhancing one's life are all examples of: The human nature of advocacy involves both ___________ aspects. The US . |:-----:|:------:|:------:|:------:|:------:|:------:| Which is MOST likely to confront a social worker when she or he is faced with too few resources for too many clients? B. inspiring. B. pay approximately 30% of their net income for rent. A. creating social change and leading social movements. Social work practice involves the understanding of human development, behavior and the social, economic and cultural institutions and interactions. lt's enough to be a part-time job! In 1915, at the National Conference of Charities and Corrections, Dr. Abraham Flexner asserted that social work couldn't be considered a true profession in his "Is Social Work a Profession?" presentation due to it's lack of specificity, specialized skills, and knowledge. The most prominent figure associated with the settlement movement in the United States, who went on to win a Nobel Peace Prize for his/her work, was: The Elizabethan Poor Laws were established in _________ in the year ___________. What makes therapeutic groups different from other types of groups? The change from AFDC to TANF was driven by the belief that poor single moms should work rather than getting paid by the system to stay home. Society most likely considers problems associated with domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, and criminal activity as ___. Granting all citizens the same rights, protections, opportunities, obligations, and social benefits, no matter their backgrounds or memberships in diverse groups, aligns with the core social work value of: What does the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) do? What would you conclude? Because of instinct, you are individually responsible for your acts, False; Because of free will, you are individually responsible for your acts, Attitudes, Actions, Structures that foster unjust treatment, the supreme court case that legalized abortion, True or False? Which is the BEST definition of "social welfare"? Which of the following is not true about income disparities between women and men? The article further indicated that about one-third of those employed full time work less than 40 hours per week. The mental process by which readers internalize and interpret literature must be developed through use, one book at a time. when a child is subjected to physical and/or emotional injury, including sexual abuse, a caregiver fails to ensure that the child's needs are met. Hence, objectivity is an important aspect of advocacy and a quality that social workers can contribute to the process. Watching television requires only a passive role from the viewer. The NASW provides numerous resources for social workers to increase their professional knowledge, enhance and apply their skills, and contribute to the knowledge base of social work. Oblivious people, in turn, make bad decisions in life. **11. Social workers initially focused on poverty, but were increasingly concerned with the problems of children . This is known as a(n) ______. false. Providing all the imagery **squelches** the viewer's imagination. \end{array} 1. There's no limit to the kind of true or false questions you can ask. The standards for social work practice with groups developed by the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups specify: Which group model is aimed at facilitating social change on the organizational or community level? What does the NASW believe about the term "social worker" and how it should be applied? Charity is unpaid and is an act of giving objects, resources, or money to others. Experience of children's social care (through placement, shadowing or previous work experience). The belief that one's own ethnic group and way of life are superior to others is most accurately called: The beginning of the foster care concept in America was: The orphan trains that transported children all over America, Canada, and Mexico to new families from the 1850s to the early 1900s. Social work is a profession that is visible and valued within our society. Check Your Charity- Investigate a charity's "administrative expense ratio," which describes how it allocates its budget between funding its mission and funding fund-raising costs and other overhead. Social workers need to have confidence in their views, which is easier when one has sought and integrated information from an array of sources rather than one particular viewpoint or bias. May 1 Sold equipment that cost$600,000 when purchased on January 1, 2008. During WWII social workers developed and administrated which types of programs? No salvage value was received. community organization Which of the following is generally NOT an administrative function of a private or public social agency: writing social histories Social workers carry a responsibility to act within their competency level and pursue continuous professional development. All of the above: knowing the agency's policies on the use of self-disclosure, assessing the appropriateness, benefits, and cost of sharing such information, consulting with colleagues and supervisors regarding the use of self-disclosure. Explain whether you think the following changes in a voting system would increase or decrease the number of votes cast. Who was the one of the first Civil Rights leaders to advocate for the rights of women and African Americans in a holistic and unified fashion? Four hours of television-this is the daily diet of the average American TV watcher. The health care system or the court system can both be confusing. Answer the following questions to see how much you know about social enterprise. Charity Organization Societies focus on the environment in which a person lived while Settlement Movements focused on the individual. Northern Ireland and Scotland have their own arrangements. False Science (empirical evidence) is a good arbitrator of value differences. Social workers often feel compelled to fight on behalf of a client for that individual to experience better conditions, more available programs to assist them, or on behalf of some other effort for social justice. The question below contains a vocabulary word from this lesson. She has maintained a Florida Professional Educator's Certificate since 2004 and is a Certified Advanced Social Work Case Manager (C-ASWCM), 2019. The professional organization formed to support and advocate for social work professional is the Council on Social Work Education. Clients and society alike benefit most when social workers act in concert with their profession's ethical principles and standards, mission, and values. The components are economic and social justice, human needs and rights, supportive environment, and political access. What about 2015 and 2025? The quiz here that we have brought for you is a social entrepreneurship quiz. Alost every action people take is aimed at finding justice, False; almost every action people take is aimed at finding happiness, you have made us for yourselves, and our heart is restless until it rests in you, True or False? A police officer stops them for speeding and then conducts a complete search of their car, including their trunk, to look for drugs. The stories that have withstood the test of time-the classics-did so because they tell **trenchant**, age-old human stories. | SQUAD | CASE A | CASE B | CASE C | CASE D | CASE E | In addressing non-verbal communication with a client, social workers should: All of the above: ensure that the social worker and client are both physically on the same level, maintain direct eye contact when culturally appropriate, lean slightly forward to indicate attentiveness, look at the client when speaking. Belief bonding is an emotional interaction (the heart of social work) between worker- client. What is the minimum number of hours of supervised field work required for a BSW student? (-2) B A+(6) C D Mary Richmond's book "Social Diagnosis" identifies all of the following steps in the intervention process of how a social worker should intervene with individuals except: The Elizabethan Poor Laws were established in ______ in the year ______. Don't waste your time reading books-or, at least, don't pass up a great movie in order to read Tolstoy on a Friday night. $$ To provide mental health services, one must hold a degree in psychology. You'll listen to a passage then answer the questions by select True or False. The social action model can be BEST described as: addressing a social injustice that increases political pressure to impact decision-making processes to ensure that oppressed groups receive equitable services, resources, and power. David Smith in Washington. Currently, the focus of social work is on the morality of the client; whereas, historically, the focus of social work was on the morality of the profession. All of the above: advocate, mobilizer, mediator, enabler. A family is court ordered to receive treatment from a mental health social worker. Social workers take a purposeful approach to building partnerships that promote positive interactions, strong relationships, and well-being at the individual, family, social group, organization, and community levels. therapeutic groups have a professional group leader. God's justice is clearly revealed throughout the scripture in both the Old and New Testaments, Commutative, distributive, social, and legal, while it does not oppose private ownership of goods, it does require individuals citizens to support the common needs of all, involves a citizens' responsibilities to society, what are 3 essential elements of the common good, 1) respect for the life and dignity of every person, True or False? The UK Voluntary Sector has an estimated turnover of how much per annum (answers in pounds sterling)? The generalist social work role of case manager is BEST described as: coordinating services and resources needed by clients. On Mar 29, 2017. Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA). Below is a pair of reading passages followed by several multiple-choice question. False. Developing the **tangential** skills to understand texts-increased vocabulary, orthography, interpretation-takes practice, and that means more reading. 1. the social purpose and domain of the work we do; 2. a unified paradigm for the broadbase practice orientations of our profession; 3. a systematic structure for the multiple methods we use in practice and; 4. a domain of self-understanding to hone our development as effective social work practitioners. Both C and D : a system that helps people meet their basic needs in order to maintain society, a system aimed at creating social and economic justice. Social work is a practice-based profession that promotes social change, development, cohesion and the empowerment of people and communities. According to the NASW Code of Ethics, all social workers have a responsibility to advocate for reform and social change on behalf of oppressed and marginalized client populations. The Code of Ethics sets a high standard of conduct for social workers and provides the basis for the public and profession to hold social workers accountable. $2215.73 or$2231.61, According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a person who buys a smoke alarm is motivated to do so in an attempt to fulfil which of the following? employees and the employer portion of these payroll taxes (round to nearest dollar). | 2 | 20 | 7 | 12 | 6 | 30 | More so now than at any other point in U.S. history, the overall population can be described as: Which population in the U.S. is projected to have the largest growth? In its literal interpretation, the word "welfare" means: good health, prosperity, and social respect. July 1 Purchased equipment for$1,100,000. Unlike other professions, the distinction of social work is that it emphasizes: a holistic perspective Which organization developed the standard definition of social work in the United States? You want to maintain the client's confidentiality unless there is a "compelling professional reason" for disclosure, which includes the prevention of "serious, foreseeable, and imminent harm to a client or another identifiable person, or laws or regulations that require the disclosure without the client's consent," (NASW Code of . Recapping or paraphrasing the client's response is known as: Which is a good example of a good question to ask as part of the assessment process? True b. Direct practice in social work involves ______. completed chart to answer the Section The concept of charity goes back to ancient times, and the practice of providing for the poor has roots in all major world . In charity organization societies, private agencies join together to perform all of the following functions except: a. providing direct services to individuals and families. Using a strengths perspective, the social work relationship is built around: the clients cultural and life experiences and beliefs, stating the person first then the situation, the categorization and stereotyping of groups by racial characteristics or ethnic organizations. The name of the body that regulates charities in the UK is the Charity Commission. Use your Social workers help people handle day-to-day challenges and overcome behavioral, emotional, and mental health issues. immoral. To help organizations solve that problem, the authors examine the factors that influence moral conduct, the ethical issues that arise specifically in charitable organizations, and the best ways to promote ethical behavior within . The process of using knowledge and skills derived from multiple theoretical concepts that are most appropriate to the client system is known as: The range of social work employment opportunities can BEST be described as: The field of practice with older adults is known as: Due to changing demographics in our country, social workers need increased awareness and skills for working with issues related to: The term for an organization that provides some social services but whose primary mission is not the provisions of social services is: Which is the second largest area of practice for BSW social workers? The average number of days, based on past performance, for each squad to complete each case is as follows: False The social worker does not attempt to change the client system by imposing her or his values on the client system, but instead strives to: understand and respect the clients values. "Friendly visitors" were associated with: Both the Elizabethan Poor Laws and early laws among the American settlers distinguished between two groups: The deserving poor and the nondeserving poor. The first step to becoming an effective social worker is to: Which term best describes a commitment by individuals and organizations to communication that can be understood by all? The goal of ______ is to address problematic interactions between persons and their environments or surroundings. An example of a mutual aid or reciprocal group is: is an ethically mandated activity for all social workers. June 1 Sold land for$1,600,000. False. federal income taxes from the employees and pay state unemployment taxes of $60. Geographic locale and type of social work setting influence social work salaries. Besides being trained in generalist practice, rural social workers must have skills, values, and knowledge related to: understanding unique aspects of the community. Know the Signs of Charity Scams- a. who owns boston scally company; ap computer science principles unit 1 Use each of the following terms in a sentence that relates to either inflation or unemployment. True B. "Man-versus-nature," "Man-versus-self," and "Man-versusman" have been told and retold in so many thousands of ways that it's almost ridiculous even to create any new literature, let alone disallow the incorporation of these age-old themes into motion pictures that tell the same stories in much better ways than books do. False charity constrains the fearful and subdued, the "rejects of life," to extend their trembling hands. A written contract between a client and a social worker help maintain: a clear purpose of work, respective roles and expectations, the process of assessing the progress and success of the planned change effort. However, social workers' views of their clients and their preferences with respect to courses of action have differed. An understanding of society from multiple perspectives and a general fund of knowledge and skills is rooted in what type of educational foundation? $$. Maintaining professional boundaries is the responsibility of : A. "Possibilities, not problems" is the basis of: enabling client systems to enhance their ability to bring about change, The solution-focused perspective is an approach in which the social worker, helps the client construct or reconstruct their reality in regard to a challenging life situation. And universities for social workers initially focused on the environment in which person! Viewer 's imagination n ) ______ programs in colleges and universities work less than 40 hours per week and.! Can also be a source of limitation or even punishment full time work less than hours. What does the NASW believe about the term `` social welfare policy '' employed full work. 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